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English translation for "please examine"


Related Translations:
examine bacteria under a microscope:  用显微镜检查细菌
helyourself please:  请各位随意用餐
you please:  请您先走after
please recycle:  做好垃圾分类
please myself:  讨好自己
please pay attention:  请注意
please protect facilities:  请爱护景区设施
rsv reply please:  候复
enclosed please find:  随信附寄…请留意查收
so please stoexplaining:  所以别解释
Example Sentences:
1.Please examine the insulation of the electric wires in my house .
2.Please examine .
3.If nothing is wrong with it , please examine the torque
4.If the error occurs when revolving : please examine the torque
5.If the error occurs when accelerating / decelerating : please examine the inertia
6.Please examine the haminst script if you have a different distribution
如果你的版本不同,请检查最接近[原始? ] (意解)的代码。
7.Please examine the matter and send us the goods to meet the shortage as soon as possible
8.Please examine the wiring of the encoder cables . if anything is wrong with it , then please change motors
9.If the error occurs again after the axis moves for a while , please examine the fan motor that is under the driver
10.If the error occurs when turning the servo on : there is a possibility of the miswiring of the motor circuits . please examine the wiring
Similar Words:
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